The latest ONS figures show that the UK’s sickness absence rate stands at 3.4% (the highest since 2004) and now costs the economy over £100 billion per year.
But what’s causing this sharp, post-pandemic rise in sickness absence? Research from E-Days has suggested stress and anxiety as two major factors, with a 29% increase in absences in 2024 due to mental health alone.
This, combined with the fact that employees used 7.6% fewer annual leave days between 2022 and 2023, may have increased the likelihood of stress and burnout.
Other data shows a sharp rise in sick leave, with 55% more days lost in the last four years due to short—and long-term illness! Today, we’ll discuss whether excessive absenteeism in the workplace can be reduced and how absence management software could be the key.
How much do sick days cost UK businesses?
It’s encouraging to note that, generally, sickness absence in the UK has been slowly trending downwards since 2010.
However, government statistics have reported that the total economic cost of sickness absence costs the UK over £100bn annually. With workers in this country taking an average of 7.8 days of absence every year, the numbers start to add up.
But It isn’t just physical sickness that’s causing this increase; it’s mental health conditions, too. Major studies show that the majority of workers who are on long-term sick leave are suffering from mental health-related issues such as depression and anxiety.
In fact, experts have even suggested that full-time employees may feel embarrassed to take time off for mental illness. In a study of 1,000 workers, 21% admitted to feeling this way, and 40% felt it was easier to be absent for a physical ailment than a mental health condition.
All of these factors suggest deeper issues that are rooted in workplace culture.
Why is measuring data so important?
Data is the only way to get a clear picture. Measuring how often employees request sick leave and the reasons why could be the key to addressing underlying problems with specific staff members.
Investing in an absence management software system can also help organisations reveal patterns that could otherwise remain unnoticed. For instance, tracking can reveal specific periods with heightened absenteeism, such as particular days of the week or seasons.
Noticing specific at-work factors
Beyond the data itself, managers need to know why employees are taking time off.
If you notice a staff member has taken sick leave for work-related stress multiple times in a year, managers may be able to implement plans to lighten their workload. These employees are more likely to take unscheduled leave, so strategic intervention is essential.
Strategic intervention
Once data has been measured (and contributing factors identified), organisations can implement change:
Promote employee well-being: What better way to encourage a healthy work-life balance than with wellness programmes? Providing resources for stress management could improve employee well-being more generally.
Recognise good attendance: If you notice that some employees are demonstrating exemplary attendance, acknowledging their efforts can be a great form of positive reinforcement. It may also motivate others to improve their attendance!
Absence management builds trust with employees
While data is important, absence management systems are also about increasing workplace transparency. These intricate pieces of software can help businesses gain real-time insight into their employees’ workplace dynamics.
In doing so, they can build trust with staff and learn more about what motivates them. It’s a complex learning curve, but one that’s certainly worth the effort.