Let us face the truth, guys: planning your career is both exciting and…terrifying. The trick is that the whole process should include making critical decisions that may (or may not, but who knows) shape up your future in a particular niche. If you feel like stuck in the middle of nowhere and look for some guidance here and now, tarot could do the job. A lot of people all over the globe use this mystical practice to come up with clear goals and find the most suitable professional path. Too good to be true? Let us take a closer look at the key pros and cons of using tarot reading to plan your career and see if the strategy works for you.  

Tops Ways to Do Tarot Readings for Career Guidance

First of all, tarot can be used to clarify your main career goals. If you aren’t sure whether your current job is something you have been looking for, or you don’t know if getting promoted will be good for you – tarot readings may help make things clear. During such a session, you can uncover all those talents, opportunities, and paths that you didn’t notice before.

Besides, tarot readings may guide you toward your weaknesses and strengths. If you would like to create a list of the areas that have some gaps, tarot can be used as a guiding light, showing you where exactly you have to hone your skills and knowledge.

Finally, when it’s time to make a tough decision in the career niche, tarot readings can help you calm down and see the perspective that you should stick to. The professional readers at tarotatlas.com recommend using tarot cards to consider both the pros and cons of the opportunities to focus on the best.

The Pros of Using Tarots for Professional Growth Planning

If you’re ready to use the deck for some guidance in your professional journey, check out the pros of this method:

  • Cards offer fresh perspectives. They encourage you to think outside the box to get unique insights into your unique situation. Chances are you may finally notice the opportunities you were reluctant to before.

  • Decks make you self-reflect. The nature of tarot cards is 100% symbolic. It means that you have to juggle your fears, strengths, and ambitions to see what truly matters in your job – personal growth, bucks, creativity, etc.

  • Tarots help you see hidden talents. Something you did not perceive before may come to the surface.

  • Reading cards may get you more confident. For most of us, making this or that decision in a career routine can be pretty overwhelming. Cards can help!

  • They get your creative juices flowing. If you’re engaged in a creativity-based job routine, reading cards can help you come up with new, unique approaches and ideas. Your boss will thank you!

  • Cards reveal what stands in your way. Of course, you can’t see your future; however, the possible troubles and obstacles can be highlighted. As a result, you’ll be able to navigate them like a pro. Forewarned is forearmed!

The Cons of Reading Tarot for Career Mapping

Perfect does not exist. In other words, tarot may sound like an effective and reliable tool based on everything mentioned above. But there is one thing. 

Actually, several things that we’re about to discuss below:

  • You don’t get concrete answers. After all, that’s what you’re looking for, right? Clear and concise answers like yes or no to the simple yet annoying question, “Will I get this job?” But the reality is that tarot may remain ‘silent’ about that.

  • Readers decide. More often than not, tarot depends on the intuition and skills of the reader. To cut a long story, if your reader is biased or lacks experience, the interpretations you receive may, well, suck.

  • You may get too attached to the cards. A lot of people find themselves relying on tarot cards more than anything else. What does this mean eventually? They fail to build solid networks, browse available job opportunities, or boost their skills in their chosen fields. Keep in mind that tarot is just a helper – not a replacement for your efforts and strategies.

  • Everything is subjective. This is going to be the most painful part, guys. Any interpretation in the world of tarot is subjective. Here’s the thing: the same card might ‘tell a different story’ to different readers. In other words, frustration inevitably comes to those looking for objective solutions.

  • Misinterpretation is not excluded. If the reader doing the job for you doesn’t understand the art of tarot from A to Z, chances are s/he may misinterpret the key issues. For instance, s/he may pull out the Tower. While the reader may think the card is trying to convey the message about a disaster, it could be the sign that stagnation will be over soon and that changes are coming. Needless to say, misreading can make you feel anxious and stressed. 

How to Use Tarot for a Career Roadmap?

If you decide to make tarot part of your vocational planning, follow some simple tips and tricks along the way. Let it guide you, but never worship it as a dictator for your next steps. Do not forget to be clear in your questions! No blurred intentions are allowed. Plus, it is highly recommended that you deal with a skilled and dedicated reader. There are many of those out there, yet you need someone who has a mix of two essential ‘ingredients’ – good feedback and a solid track record. And finally, do not consider tarot a crystal ball. It’s just a tool used to help you re-find confidence and inspiration in your planning.

What it all comes down to is that making tarot part of your career navigation is quite a good idea. It can give you the essential things you are looking for – confidence, clarity, and direction you should take to succeed. However, make sure it always comes hand in hand with efforts, research of opportunities, building connections, and working hard to reach the heights.

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